Locker Room Talk


09-06-locker-room-talk★★★★The Guardian

★★★★The Herald

★★★★ The Independent

★★★★ The Scotsman

★★★★ The National

★★★★ The Stage

★★★★ Reviews Hub

★★★★ Edinburgh Guide

★★★★★Broadway Baby





Locker Room Talk is a provocative piece of event theatre. Inspired by Donald Trump’s leaked sexually aggressive comments, the show is a confronting exploration of the phenomenon the then presidential candidate later dismissed as ‘locker room banter’.

But can this be true? Is this simply a loathsome individual or one who speaks to a silent majority? This  verbatim piece of theatre is comprised of honest conversations with men about women when women are not around. The words of these men are performed by a cast of women in this verbatim piece.

You can buy the play text for Locker Room Talk from Oberon here.

Locker Room Talk is heading out across the UK.
For performance rights please contact Emily Hickman:


McNair set out to discover how widespread this sort of talk was by taking his dictaphone into places where men gather, asking them how they talk about women and recording their words with anonymity guaranteed. Hundreds of hours of conversation have been whittled down to an hour, with a post-show discussion an integral part of every performance… It’s hard to listen to this relentless and toxic catalogue of misogyny. Probably as much for many men as it is for the women in the audience. While it’s never comfortable, it’s always fascinating. And by using female actors the show increasingly shines a light on the uncertainties of the interviewees and their confusions and fears over what it means to be a man.’ Lyn Gardner, The Guardian ★★★★

Even with women voicing these words, even in the relative safety of the controlled theatre environment, this feels intimidating, the emotional equivalent of walking the gauntlet of the building site… it’s not so much a play about women as the beginnings of a discussion about masculine identity… a challenging, disturbing piece, Locker Room Talk comes from a place of anger, compassion and – ultimately – optimism.’ The National ★★★★